
Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Bucks Get Names

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the naming of the little bucks. Of course they won't stay little for long! So without further adieu...

The littlest one is Max. Max is a very curious little guy. He is always poking his head into things and is constantly underfoot if allow to be. He is completely unafraid of the world at large and loves attention. When we brought him home he was only 3 weeks old and it was rather chilly at night so I quickly made him a little coat to keep warm. He only needed it for a few days but it was so cute.

The other name picked out was Nemo. Nemo is a beautiful little guy. We love is coloring and are hoping he will produce some really beautiful children in time. His personality is far different from Max's. He is shy and easily frightened. He loves to watch what we are up to in the barn from his favorite spot. What a cutie!

I find it hilarious however when I take them outside for some exercise and time with the herd. Nemo will not go anywhere unless you are right there beside him. If you get too far ahead he will just stand there and yell for you to come back. Even though he can see me he seems to afraid to go anywhere on his own.

His first meeting with the herd was hilarious and I was so glad I captured it on camera. Here he is meeting Camie for the first time. 

The girls were great. All they did was sniff them a bit and then just ignored them. 

I can only imagine the entertainment I will get from Max and Nemo over the course of the spring and summer as I watch them grow up. Great times ahead!

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